Club Background And Information
The Rose City Accordion Club was formed in 1996 by a group of people who love playing this fantastic musical instrument.
We are a non-profit organization created exclusively for educational purposes within the meaning of section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. The club is supported by memberships and donations. See Contact page for details.
The Club is meets at the Public Safety Building in Milwaukie, Oregon. Milwaukie is a city southwest of Portland. The address is on the home page. The club is comprised of people who share enjoyment of and enthusiasm for the accordion. The Club embraces all styles of accordion music and welcomes all who have an interest in the accordion whether they play or not. Our intent is to promote the future of the accordion and the enjoyment it gives to all.
Our membership continues to grow. We currently have 45 members including senior citizens, amateur players, professionals and folks who do not play the accordion but love to listen to the music it produces.
We publish a monthly newsletter (Accordion Talk) which is provided to all members each month. The club also hosts an accordion camp each summer at Collins Retreat Center, located between Estacada and Sandy, Oregon. The next camp will be June 2-7, 2024. Video of the final concert is provided by a grant from the Clackamas County Arts Alliance and is available through You Tube.
Many of our members go out into the community and play at senior centers, festivals and retirement facilities.
"Squeeze" some music into your life. Whether you live in the Portland, Oregon area or are just passing through, we invite you to stop at one of our monthly meetings. Please follow the links to find out more about our Club.
RCAC is open to all accordion players, from beginners to professionals, their friends and families, and to anyone who enjoys music. Meetings are usually held on the third Saturday of each month.